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COLOR protective coating is a water-repellent coating for Jesmonite.

COLORTEC® max provides a matt finish.

 23,02 38,07 HTVA


COLORFRESH/TEC provides long-lasting protection against water, oil and wax, and makes the exterior surface water-repellent.

This system is also suitable for concrete, artificial stone, pavers, etc., which need to be protected against dirt, efflorescence, color loss, corrosion, weathering and frost.

The intensiv formula enhances color and creates a glossy film.

The max formula provides invisible protection.








Low consumption per m2

Suitable for food contact

Increases frost resistance

Long service life

Consumption: depending on the absorbency of the surface, approx. 120 ml/m².

The durability of the coating is generally between 5 and 10 years.


Decorative/architectural/esthetic concrete

Can be applied to fresh/green concrete

Smooth/textured surface or rough finish

Indoor or outdoor applications

Can be applied to new and old surfaces



COLORFRESH/TEC should be applied in one or more coats using a suitable roller, brush or paintbrush. Application with a sponge or other foam is strongly discouraged and cannot guarantee good results.

The surface must be absorbent, clean, dust-free and frost-free.

When applying to vertical surfaces, the coating should always be applied from bottom to top in a zigzag pattern.

Treated surfaces must be protected from rain and frost during the drying period.

Avoid direct sunlight during application, e.g. if the product is applied outdoors in high ambient conditions.

Do not apply at temperatures below +5°C.

Water, oil and dirt repellent

Enhances color

Easy to use (water-based)




Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications

Protects against corrosion, weathering, frost, etc.

Protects against efflorescence

Long-term durability and high wear resistance

Protects against air pollution and corrosion caused by CO2

Low cost per m²


The usual precautions when handling chemicals must be observed (e.g. no eating, drinking or smoking in the workplace).

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