Free delivery in Benelux until 10kg.


Taffeta glass fabrics are woven 0°/ 90°. Choose your weight and quantity.  

 11,20 182,00 HTVA


Taffeta glass fabrics are woven 0°/ 90°.

They are dimensionally stable. Light weights (under 50g/m²) are used as a surface veil in the first coat, either directly on the part or behind a Gel-Coat.

They are generally more difficult to drape than twill fabrics and are therefore mainly intended for flat or less complex surfaces. These fabrics are used for hand lay-up, infusion and RTM applications.

25 and 48 gr/m² fabrics are regularly used in model making.

Application example

Theoretical consumption

Boat building

Aircraft construction

Boards, surfboards, kites, …

Model making

Production of composite parts, molds

The repair

1.5 x grammage/m² (example: 1 m² fabric 162 gr/m² = 243 gr/m² resin per layer)

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We look forward to seeing you there!

The Finres team

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Dear customers,
We’ll be taking a short summer break from August 10 to 18!
Don’t panic, our site will remain open and your orders will go out on August 19.
Orders placed before August 9 will be dispatched before our vacation.
Have a great vacation!